
The library contains all kinds of learning materials such as articles, webinars, white papers and other documents. But also links to online tools that can be used for courses and education and other knowledge platforms that are interesting for sustainable cultivation.
For clarity, the library is divided into sub-menus.

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#6 Plant Empowerment the true story

Plant Empowerment the true story According to a well-known saying, successes have many fathers. Nowadays, various versions of the origin of Plant Empowerment are circulating. In addition, sometimes there is confusion about the concept’s purpose and intellectual...

#4 Follow the new LinkedIn account Plant Empowerment Academy

New LinkedIn account Plant Empowerment Academy Due to a change in LinkedIn policy, our account was cancelled, and as an Academy, we had to create a new LinkedIn account. Unfortunately, for our existing followers, this means that they have to connect again to this new...

#2 Press release Plant Empowerment Academy

Plant Empowerment Academy invites you! Plant Empowerment is an integrated approach to the cultivation process based on plants' natural sustainability, efficiency and resilience and uses physiological and physical principles instead of green fingers and feeling....

#1 Welcome to the new webshop

From 1 July 2022, the book Plant Empowerment can be ordered in the new webshop at

The book

“Plant Empowerment the basic principles”

Plant Empowerment is an integrated approach to the cultivation process that is based on the natural vigor of plants and uses physiological and physical principles instead of green fingers and feeling. Moreover, Plant Empowerment is universally applicable for all crops, all occurring climate zones, and various types of greenhouses.

The authors of “Plant Empowerment the basic principles”, ir. P.A.M. Geelen, ir. J.O. Voogt and ing. P.A. van Weel have given a powerful innovative impulse to the worldwide pursuit of sustainable and profitable greenhouse horticulture.

Since its introduction in 2018, Plant Empowerment has enjoyed increasing international interest from growers, researchers, consultants, knowledge institutions, and policymakers. The book, which is available in Dutch, English, and Spanish, has already sold many thousands of copies in more than thirty countries.