
To enable the transition of greenhouse horticulture to a sustainable future, it is essential that all stakeholders work together based on the same vision and principles. Plant Empowerment provides the foundation for this.

We are facing the enormous challenge of providing all stakeholders in the sector with the right knowledge and also organizing cooperation for the further development of this knowledge

Ambassadors play an essential role in Learning Communities in which growers are guided in their learning process, while at the same time researchers, teachers and students learn from practice.

It is, therefore, gratifying that a growing number of Ambassadors of our Academy, both in the Netherlands and internationally, promote and apply the principles of Plant Empowerment.

World Horti Center

Innovating, connecting, inspiring and sharing knowledge together. That’s what businesses, education, research and public authorities do every day at World Horti Center.
World Horti Center embraces the innovative cultivation concept of Plant Empowerment because it is independent, based on universal laws of plant physiology and physics, and applicable to all crops and climatic zones worldwide.
By organising knowledge sessions, workshops and seminars on the Plant Empowerment concept in collaboration with the Plant Empowerment Academy, World Horti Center makes an essential contribution to the transition of international greenhouse horticulture to a sustainable and profitable future.

Click here to visit the website of World Horti Center

Horti Tech

Horti Tech provides training for greenhouse horticulture professionals and optimises their organization, which takes place in the new R&D greenhouse where innovations and new techniques are also tested. Their method is based on a smart combination of apprenticeship, training, consultancy and communities of best practices. They create comprehensive programs combining the knowledge and expertise of different sources. In this context, Horti Tech also contributes to transferring knowledge of the Plant Empowerment concept to growers and other stakeholders in the international horticultural sector.

Click here to visit the website of Horti Tech


Nivola strives under the motto “Nil Volentibus Arduum” (Nothing is impossible for those willing) to improve the growing climate for plants in greenhouses effectively and sustainably. Nivola specialises in developing and manufacturing vertical air movement and moisture removal products for this. By integrating and applying the Plant Empowerment concept, Nivola also provides more knowledge on sustainable cultivation to growers and other stakeholders in the international horticultural sector.

Click here to visit the website of Nivola

Wireless Value

Under the slogan, “We make measuring easy. Everywhere. “, Wireless Value continues to develop a robust wireless measuring system in greenhouses for Climate, Plant and Water. Because the sensors can be deployed anywhere, this offers the grower optimal ease of installation and flexibility. Gaining better insight into the plant and greenhouse balances for energy, water, and assimilation supports the grower in making daily decisions and makes it possible to optimize cultivation. Wireless Value thus contributes considerably to implementing the Plant Empowerment principles and the uniform measurement protocol according to Plant Empowerment Digital Growing.

Click here to visit the website of Wireless Value


Sigrow’s mission is “To save plants from bad microclimates”. Therefore, Sigrow designs and manufactures sensor systems for measuring the micro-climate and crops in greenhouses and vertical farms to provide reliable data and facilitate data-driven growing and AI applications. Sigrow’s sensor solutions focus on precise monitoring, visualising, and steering the plant light, air micro-climate, substrate and stomata conductance. This way, Sigrow supports growers in increasing their productivity, reducing energy costs, and minimising environmental impact. The data, visualised in dashboards, is increasingly more focussed on the application of ‘Plant Empowerment’ concepts and methods.

Click here to visit the website of Sigrow

Hogeschool Inholland Delft

In Delft, in the middle of the Randstad, you will find the green studies of Inholland University of Applied Sciences offering unique courses in the fields of horticulture, food, landscape and environment and animal husbandry. Inholland university of applied science is known for preparing students well for future social challenges. From September 2020, Inholland University of Applied Sciences will use Plant Empowerment in its standard curriculum for Horticulture and Agribusiness studies.

HAS Hogeschool Den Bosch

HAS University of Applied Sciences is one of the best educational and expertise Centre in the Southern Netherlands for the agrifood and environment sectors, with 2 sites: ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Venlo. They currently have over 450 employees, 3,000 students and 300 participants on professional courses. Students of the bachelor’s programme Horticulture & Arable Farming will use the book Plant Empowerment as the basis of the module ‘greenhouse and climate’.

Click here to find more information on HAS and Plant Empowerment.

Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten

Talent for growth, that’s what they stand for. The background of Aeres University of Applied Sciences lies in higher education in agriculture. They focus on education, research and sharing and applying knowledge. In this way they contribute to the development of future-oriented, innovative professionals. As of September Plant Empowerment is integrated in the curriculum of both the Dutch and international Horticulture program.

Niagara College Canada

Niagara College offers more than 130 diploma, bachelor degree and advanced level programs; as well as more than 600 credit, vocational and general interest part-time studies courses. Areas of specialization include food and wine sciences, advanced technology, media, applied health and community safety, supported by unique learning enterprises in food, wine, beer, distilling, horticulture and esthetics. Plant Empowerment has been involved with Niagara College in Canada since February 2021.

The book

“Plant Empowerment the basic principles”

Plant Empowerment is an integrated approach to the cultivation process that is based on the natural vigor of plants and uses physiological and physical principles instead of green fingers and feeling. Moreover, Plant Empowerment is universally applicable for all crops, all occurring climate zones, and various types of greenhouses.

The authors of “Plant Empowerment the basic principles”, ir. P.A.M. Geelen, ir. J.O. Voogt and ing. P.A. van Weel have given a powerful innovative impulse to the worldwide pursuit of sustainable and profitable greenhouse horticulture.

Since its introduction in 2018, Plant Empowerment has enjoyed increasing international interest from growers, researchers, consultants, knowledge institutions, and policymakers. The book, which is available in Dutch, English, and Spanish, has already sold many thousands of copies in more than thirty countries.